Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Getting a silent critique is probably like taking that first puff of smoke from a cigarette... at first you feel really dirty and take showers every 5 minutes until you become a life size scented car freshener. That was a terrible analogy because I don't smoke so I don't know how "awesome" it really feels for your lungs.

Although that being said, my critique session in school yesterday wasn't really a silent critique, the late comers still had to present, but after that we had a whipping session at the principal office bondage style... read the last line as "Points Deducted"... and I was thrown to the back of the line. A typical Singaporean would've been pissed off but I'm not because I'm very gracious plus that's not KOI so screw it.

I guess the only problem I had with critique yesterday was the body language one of the lecturer was giving me...

" Wow, your models are so small... what's the scale. 1:2000?"

"It's 1:200"

*Sighs deeply, shakes head and looks away.*

... because size matters, it's what every woman wants, a dick long enough to bust their entire digestive system during penetration.

For the record, a smaller model doesn't equate to one that has less effort because it took me about 100 degrees off my near perfect eyesight to complete the models. And as time went by she decided to turn her sarcasm up like a few thousand notches... and being in such a formal situation and probably the most important moment of my life for that one day, I couldn't fight sarcasm with sarcasm... although I'm pretty interested to see how that will turn out... she will probably sigh really deeply and look away.

It wasn't the worse critique ever, which is shocking to me because to everyone else, the latest critique session they had will probably be the "worst one ever".... not for me though, probably because the last one had me crying myself to sleep.

My latest endeavor after my Macaron mania was to follow a Nigella Lawson recipe so I decided to go ahead with this one...

It's essentially a Churros recipe that Nigella has managed to dumb down like crazy... and I thought it would be easy to make it because if Nigella can do it why can't I?... then I realize she isn't Martin Yan.

She lied about the "250 mils of Hot Water"... I think she added only like 3/4 of a cup which is like 3/8 of the original one that was called for. I added like 125 ml of water and the whole thing got so wet... and when I piped it out from my piping bag, the piping bag started leaking because the batter was not as dry as the one in the video.

That's like the best way to get people to buy your book, you give them the wrong ingredients measurements on TV and psych them up enough to go crazy and obsessed over the ingredients because they might have heard it wrong. Of course I'm referring to those who have no idea how to use the internet or didn't add Youtube to their Facebook... not literally of course but I am pretty sure every internet users will add Youtube to their friend list somewhere unless Youtube ruined their life.

So to add to my list of cooking failures.... Nigella's Churros Recipe right next to Macarons among other inedible experiments of mine.

I was actually watching a movie called "Stone" earlier but I got bored of it so I decided to go Wikipedia to read the synopsis to see how it would end.

No one added a proper synopsis because everyone's as bored as me when they watched the film... so it's not me or Milla Jovovich boobies. She had a topless scene... I got bored.

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