Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Recently my Aion account got hacked and I was extremely sad thus the lack of updates.

I was kidding about the sad part, getting my account hacked was the most exciting thing that ever happened to me since I stopped having a life.

The only fun thing that happen was the cyber-bullying that took place yesterday on Facebook among my Polymates, it wasn't so much of a case of bullying, sometimes people do stupid things and they just get what they deserved and in this case, the victim's extremely unreasonable comment got him into that mess, not going to say much because it was a very very long story, that single status post recieved over 160 comments within 4 hours, it was nuts. I didn't join in of course because it's not really my place to say anything.

I originally wanted to post something like...

Today, I found out half the class hates me...FML.

0 People Agrees that your Life Sucks : 160 People Thinks You Deserve It

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