Sunday, August 8, 2010


Reasons I have not been blogging lately is

1. There's nothing going on in my life that's worth any interest except.... Nope, nothing of interest.

2. There's nothing pissing me off to rant about.

The 2nd reason is something that inspires me to blog in my previous blog, my crazy obsession with Miley Cyrus and her crazy songs that involves a pole and some thrusting action.

But lately, I have been feeling a little piss off, it's not those type of pissed off feeling you get when someone takes a cup of water, pour it over your head, sprinkle a little flour and start kneading dough on your head kind of pissed off, it's more like a gradual feeling of annoyance that increases over time.

I just deleted a crap load of stuff I wrote out of anger because despite having this calm and innocent front, I actually have a lot of angst in me. You don't make knead dough on my head and then blame me when you forgot to add the yeast, I already lend you my head... be appreciative.

I don't like leaving angst filled blog post on this blog because it's just ugly and disgusting and bleah~... I am talking about the post, not the person who piss me off. I find it funny when people make fun of other people's facial feature when they themselves are like the epitome of that facial defect. Pot calling the kettle black.

Back to my joy filled self... remove that angst.

So anyway I guess that's all the edit I will need. Gonna play more Aion now.

And Happy National Day Singapore. 45 Years Old? I think she's 45.

She's 45 and she's not complaining, Singapore is such a beautiful country, even after getting her rights for owning gum taken away she still keeps quiet.... well she has to otherwise she will get canned.

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