Sunday, August 22, 2010


Headed over to Lerk Thai yesterday for dinner to celebrate my Mum's birthday with my brother.

Lerk Thai, as you can probably read and break up from the name, is a thai restaurant where chili and lemongrass are thrown into any dishes in bulk. Well, here's the kicker for the whole dinner, all of us had oral ulcers, and mine was at its peak of pain.

Ordered a set meal that would accommodate 3 people, I purposely chose the set with the least amount of chili or anything that would inflict pain to my already sore mouth and what I initially thought was that they would serve us a small bowl of Tom Yum Soup for the 3 of us to share like some Oliver Twist plot, where I would go up and ask for more and the manager would just slap me with squid or something, but I was wrong, each of us had an individual bowl of it, a bowl of pain.

Even without ulcers, drinking Tom Yum soup would actually make me gag a little because its a sick recipe created by some sadist chef in the royal kitchen in Thailand who probably wanted to burn the King's tongue but failed miserably.

So I very strategically placed the soup spoon and poured it in such a way that it would avoid the ulcer, which worked pretty well, went down the throat halfway and I started gagging on the soup, causing the remaining soup that are on the way down the throat, away from the ulcer, to start free roaming their way around my mouth, hitting every possible area in it. It was like my mouth died, went to hell for a few second and got brought back to life by a cup of cold water, and repeat the process every time. I was like a dumb kid who wouldn't learn.

Thank God the Tom Yum was the only torturous dining experience that night, the green curry was nothing, green curry is like easy mode. I could rub the green curry on my ulcer all day and the only thing I would do is tear a little, the Tom Yum will make me cry in a fetal position.

Original plan that night was to have a dinner at a crappy place, which turned out to be very painful for me, I gave the remainder of my pain soup to my brother, who gulped it down, and to go to a nice place for desert later at Max Brener, that didn't happen because apparently teenagers like to flood Esplanade Mall at night.

I don't like mingling with a load of teenagers my age, it makes me feel very young and it just reminds me of the fact that I lack a social life even more. (<- Once again, a joke that only alright when I say it. Can't emphasis on that enough)

Instead went to Billy Bomber, my Mum paid for the bill. Saved me some money that night I guess you shameless kid who decided to let your Mum pay for the desert that she didn't even order.... ON HER BIRTHDAY! Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!

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