Monday, December 20, 2010

Macaroons and I

Staying at home does induce massive boredom... used to be fine when I substitute the lack of any social life with Aion, which isn't healthy in any way I might add because after hours and hours of hardcore gaming, which amounts to walking around in-game aimlessly looking at the game's vistas and hitting space bar a lot (jumping) to have up skirt shots of my character taken... my eyes starts to get really really tired and it starts blinking like crazy.

After unsubbing to Aion, life is as boring as it gets. Sitting in front of the computer all day surfing Youtube... placing my phone next to me all day hoping for someone to SMS or call, among other things.

So my life pretty much boils down to surfing Youtube all day, playing a random MMO every now and then and also making failed macaroons. The only joy I find in watching Youtube videos is reading through the comments on random videos. Its very invigorating to see an online troll getting bashed by other online trolls... after that whole online fiasco I FEEL SO POWERFUL I CAN KILL A MOUSE!... Ah~ Feeding of the energies of the righteous trolls... some online trolls are just really stupid its as if they are begging to be bashed.

Their comments don't make any sense because there's spelling and grammatical errors

"This videos is like sucks, the grl so ugly I want to vomit bloody. I vomit blood and I put blood on the screen so I can dirty the screen with their blood."
-15 Hours Ago by MaceMe91

@MaceMe19 "F*ck you and the horse you wrote in on."
- 10 Hours Ago by DirtySanchez

@DirtySanchez "You mean rode? Learn to spell jackass"
- 2 Hours Ago by IncestSurvivor

@IncestSurvivor " It's a punt you stupid moron."
- 1 Hours Ago by DirtySanchez

@DirtyShancez "LOL. You got PUNT!!"
- 20 Minutes Ago by MaceMe91

@MaceMe91 " You mean PWNED... Jackass. And FYI Justin Bieber is a guy, not a girl."
- 19 Minutes Ago by IncestSurvivor

Oh yes~The joys of watching a smack-down between trolls happen, but of course sometimes the trolling war takes places like "3 Months Ago by DirtyHoeBag"... and I have to scroll through the entire comments to see what's happening. Thank God I need not worry about having to waste my time scrolling through the thousand of comments, who's counting the time when you have plenty to spare at home... time that was supposed to be used to spend in Aion.

Well, beside watching faux Korean Drama Shows on Youtube via the comments, I have dedicated half my time and 8 eggs baking macaroons. All of which failed miserably...

To give an idea of how a macaroon should look like... here's one done by someone who probably used a mixer. I didn't have a mixer so I had to use my hands to beat the egg whites till they formed stiff peaks...

Look at those gorgeous little babies. Or thats how I think Nigella Lawson would say it.

And then mine... which came out terribly.

It's almond Macaroons with cheap strawberry jam.

It tasted fine though... but some patisserie in French or Italy or whatever artsy fartsy country decided that the perfect macaroon needed something mine was missing.... a 20 inch co...... FEET! That little bubbly imperfection underneath every macaroons... and a smooth shell, which mine lacks.

And they said hand whipped were better, those sadist obviously enjoys tasting the soreness of the patisserie's arm when having their treats.

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