Monday, December 27, 2010


So I was watching 90210 a few days back on TV, because it happened to be on... and I decided to watch it for a while, like an hour and the main character was having a job interview, when asked about her weakness she had this to say....

"My weakness would probably be the fact that I'm a perfectionist."

Sudden flashback to a lesson I had in school last year when the lecturer said the exact same thing in a mock interview, and after which she told a student to give another example and that student repeated the exact same thing <- REAL~ ORIGINAL. She literally repeated what the lecturer said, and the thing I can't stand about it was when she said...

"I'm a perfectionist, so that's probably my weakness"

... was the fact that she meant it. Arrogant much?

"Perfectionist" isn't something you should label yourself as, it's something other people call you for being very anal about something in a positive way. I know of many classmates of mine who are perfectionist and they are always very humble about it... because really we are calling them anal in a nice way but that's not the point. The point is they don't go around telling everybody they are a perfectionist.

Labeling yourself a perfectionist puts you on the same level of delusion as average Joes and Janes who think they are very good looking.

So, no, your weakness is not the "fact" that you're a "Perfectionist"... your weakness is your Delusions, your Arrogance, your lack of Shame and obviously your lack of creativity in coming up with anything original that you had to shamelessly repeat what the lecturer said.

She would've been a great specimen in the Jurong Bird Park. A mix between a Peacock and a Parrot.

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