Monday, May 23, 2011

Virgin Trip to USS

Setting foot into USS (Universal Studios Singapore) yesterday was pretty surreal. I've always thought the only theme park Singapore will ever get will be Escape theme park, which truth to be told is pretty shit since all the rides there are for kids and even the adult rides don't really require much balls to sit to be honest, just a really good stomach.

I saw the giant Universal Studio ball that everyone seem to enjoy taking pictures with and for some reason there was a lot of steam coming out from the ball, but I wasn't really keen on taking picture with the ball because I wanna get into the theme park and ride the rides, and alsobecause there were so many people, a mixture of the already scorching sun and probably the warmth of a thousand sweating people makes for a really really smelly entrance.

So apparently yesterday was booked only for SPH workers and their family and my sister being an employee for SPH meant that her family was able to tag along.

I personally have no idea how crowded USS is suppose to get on a normal day, but as we entered the theme park, the whole place was just swarming with people who were raising their cameras above their head, probably trying to capture what I'm trying to describe here into a photo. It was nuts and I was really turned off by it obviously, for a introvert who enjoys staying at the confinement of his own home, that entrance was a nightmare.

Having discussed ahead of time, me and my sister decided to speed walk out way to the Battlestar Galatica Roller Coaster ride.

Best roller coaster ride I've ever taken, then again I've never really taken one as epic looking as this.

Took a few other rides after that, none as fun as this, although the Mummy ride was pretty fun, was very warm because there was a lot of fire going on in that dark confine space. Fire was literally shooting out from the ceiling at one point before it started pulling everyone backwards like a reverse coaster, that would have been a great time to vomit, especially if you are sitting in front, you don't get soiled by your vomit first of all, and secondly, its so dark no one will even know you have vomited, after a few years people will just think that smell is the smell of rotting mummy corpse. Genius. My train of thoughts is on a roll, that would have made a perfect punt but too lazy to think of one right now.

Going to theme parks makes me feel like a kid again, it's rides first and souvenirs later. I was a moron though because I kept riding and riding till all the stores closed and all I got was the WTF shirt from the Battlestar Galatica store, the one Natalie Tran wears on her videos, Size S. Female

I will probably go there again after I've served for my country. No idea what crime my country did but alright, I will serve since I'm getting paid for it and it's free Physical Training, which I need terribly. Forgive me Father for I have sinned, it's been a week since my last run.

Now I really wanna ride this....

And then I wanna ride on this person's back...

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