Thursday, May 26, 2011

A week left of Civilian Life.

Skipped my Graduation Ceremony on Tuesday after much thought, Well it took me 20 minutes of thinking to change my mind really, decided not to go on Monday night.

Didn't see the point really. I graduated with a 2.5 GPA.... send me off in style with my mediocrity. I'm just bitter because after Graduation is Enlistment into the Army.

My last week of civilian life will be won't be a fun one. It's not fun to know that the following Tuesday will be my enlistment to the army and also to have people do their own stupid countdown on their damn facebook page to constantly remind me of my own.

Just when I have forgotten about it, I log into facebook and I see post like this....

"15 days to the end of my civilian life!"

"10 days till botak!"

"So fast! 14 days to Army."

Thanks for the constant reminder... I don't appreciate it at all. And it's always the enthusiastic malays who are posting that, my chinese friends never do this stupid countdown shit to remind me of a future imprisonment my free Physical Training or 14 days straight of P.E (confinement period, not sure if it's 14 days or 17 days though. Really hoping it's the former obviously) .... I have never enjoyed PE as a kid so my inner Primary and Secondary school kid isn't really screaming with joy at the top of my lungs.

Headed down to CMPB to hand in my Specialist Letter to the Medical Officers, and always get served by the very bitter army medic guys. Never smile, always look super bored and have the can't be fucked face. Understandable though, my face will probably look like that one day if I get into the medic. *fingers crossed* All the injections that I will inflicting on others and myself just makes me so excited, the new names I will be giving to the new styles of injection, it will be like the kamasutra of injections.

I got so nervous during the injection part of the check up on my first days there I actually started laughing at a joke the two medic were making among themselves. I didn't even know what the hell they were talking about, I just decided to giggle since they were giggling, the medic just looked at the nut-bag in front of him that was giggling for no reason and inserted the needle.

Since it was my 2nd time visiting, I was more aware of my surroundings and the first room I got into was straight into the room where everyone had to take their top off. I was able to keep mine on and maintain my dignity, and it was weird because I thought the place will stink a little since everyone had to take their clothes and shoes off, but it smelled really good, then I realize it was because at every side of the room ,except behind the counter, there were 2 automated air freshener so all in all there were 6 air fresheners constantly pumping out Glade or something... if you lighted a match the whole place will probably just explode.

So saw the Medical Officer, PES remained the same, kinda expected that so no disappointment there, I mean could've been worse, they could've upgraded me to A for skiving so much and failing all the time.

Took about an hour and my Mum was waiting for that whole hour which made me feel really bad, couldn't ask her to leave first because my phone had to be confiscated before entering. After that headed to Bukit Timah Shopping Center and bought myself 2 cups of bubble tea.

I have been really addicted to Bubble Tea lately, I have no idea why, it's not for the pearls I know that, can't be the caffeine because if it were for the caffeine I would be having a cuppa everyday. Forever it shall remain a mystery.

p/s. Just did a stupid countdown with my own blog post title. Now I don't appreciate myself reminding myself of my imminent imprisonment.

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