Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I have recently set a new personal record for myself, one that I am extremely proud of.

I managed to play Aion for 10 straight hours, non-stop with the exception of taking a piss in my pants every now and then and having to go to the toilet to clean it up. I was stuck on my computer screen for 10 hours.

You don't get to hear someone announce that everyday do you, because people who beat my record are too engross in their game, they have completely forgotten about their social life, which I am pretty sure I myself am lacking.

On the topic of social life, it's safe to say my circle of friends has dwindled to only a handful of tens. I am not even kidding at how sad my social circle is right now. My online social circle is getting a lot bigger though... not really making me feel any better but I have been playing with a bunch of aussie players and they are not racist at all, which is of course surprising to me because I just assume any causcasian I see is a racist because they have a thing against slanty eyes I guess and towards people who has "Chink" as their first name.

Difference between Aussie players and Singaporean players online is probably the way they speak on Ventrilo, a programme that allows you to speak to your guildies. Singaporeans all sound extremely tired when they are speaking on Vent while Australians are more energetic, no where near being high, a little dead but you can sense a bit of life in them.

I don't speak to them because I feel inferior with my accent, I just told them I will get too turned on if I hear myself speak on Vent when they ask why I don't speak on it. They laugh, but I know they want to hear my voice real bad. You don't get to hear the voice of an angel on Vent everyday, like how you don't get a no life showing off how no life he is by telling the World Wide Web his 10 hour gaming streak everyday.

Countdown to the start of a new term.
Holding back on the enthusiasm.
Damn it. School or stay at home all day doing nothing productive. Hmmm~

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