Monday, June 21, 2010


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Just to talk about life in general.

Holiday's started, for like a week now and that's probably how outdated this blog is. I've been home all day playin Aion because who needs to go out and get a life when you have Aion. It's been pretty boring over the past few days truth to be told.

Results for my first project of the year is out and I got a C! C is a very common grade I get, which is of course extremely upsetting, but nothing can be more upsetting than the end of the project, the joys I have shared with my groupmates. Everything turned out great, even the sacrasm filled in this passage.

No one in my cohort likes group work at all. Especially in a design project, nobody likes to compromise their own design. I don't even know where to start with how terrible to group is, not the people, I like the people in the group, well most of them that is.

It's actually the workstyle that the group has somehow adopted that was terrible. You come in whatever time you want, group discussion doesn't neccessarily have to have the whole group involved. Sometimes it would only be 2 people discussing and sometimes 3, there are 6 people in the group.

The design had to be re-done over and over again and again it was just really bad.

If you were to experience that whole thing in my shoes, you would be glad you got a C. I can't even be bothered to treat this as a real exam because denial works best in such cases.

A week more to go before school starts, and 4 months to go before NAPFA starts. I have to get a least a silver this time round, been failing a lot in Secondary School. Silver so I won't have to go NS for an extra 2 months. Why must Singapore be so small and lacking manpower, why can't they just hire foreign talents to die for our country. Get those from a third world country, they will never start a war with us, ever. Unless of course they get paid by us and then start their own army in their country to overthrow us for treating their men like dispensable soldiers.

One can hope can they not?

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