Friday, April 30, 2010


"If Slaughterhouses Had Glass Wall"
A message by PETA that's extremely graphic.

I think meat eaters should take a look at that video. Youtube's your best friend when you are looking for videos, if you aren't, you can deny that friendship.

I have to admit, watching the cow getting beaten up and send through the slaughter machine while it was still alive was extremely disturbing, but seeing the cow coming out of the machine, skinless, alive and kicking was just inhumane and sick on so many levels. I am never going to look at a burger the same way again.

Hearing the pig wailing while getting dragged away to the slaughterhouse was even more disturbing. After watching that I just wanted to go and adopt a pig for some reason. I mean it's cute, and I eat it for lunch and dinner on several occasions, it would be nice to have a pig that I can pet rather than eat.

I don't like the way the slaughterhouse kills a chicken, first they snip off their beaks, which I am guessing hurts like a bitch, and a chicken would probably call that an understatement, but leaving them beak-less for months, that's nuts. After all that torture, the chickens are grabbed by the leg and either slammed against the ground or have their head stomped on by the people working in the slaughterhouse. The video even showed a guy attempting to break the chicken's neck by twisting it, but the bird just didn't want to die, so he just tossed it aside and let it die slowly, all the time the chicken was on the ground with a broken neck, it was flapping away like crazy.

I think there's a more humane way of killing animals, I know I should be turning vegan after watching that video because that's the whole point, but meat is too delicious to deny and vegetables pale in comparison, taste and texture wise. I had salad once for lunch with a little chicken on the side. It sucked which helped me realise that I am not disciplined enough to go vegan HARDCORE.

Maybe I will avoid eating meat once in a while, just like how many Christians forget about God except on a Sunday when they go to church. Guilty!

I am trying, yesterday for dinner and today, I avoided the pork because I know that would what my pet pig, that I have yet to adopt and probably never will, would want me to do. 

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