Sunday, April 11, 2010


Whenever I watch a movie and I see the female characters eating ice cream from the tub, I will think to myself. 

"That must be one hell of an ice cream, to be so delicious that you have to dig right in."

But I guess depress individuals don't really care about scooping out the ice cream into bowls before consuming it. Well, I get it, they are sad so it's okay to be unhygienic once in a while.

Anyways, I tried consuming ice cream from the tub today. Dreyers Peppermint Ice Cream that set me back about $10. After digging into the tub and consuming the ice cream, I have come to 2 conclusion.

1. Those females in the movies like to eat their feelings. 

2. My liking for peppermint ice cream isn't as crazy as I thought. It isn't love.

It was not bad though, just hard to swallow it down after eating 1/10 of the whole tub.

Watched Shutter Island earlier today. The movie was pretty cool, the reason being that I abstain myself from heading to Wikipedia and reading through the entire story. The big twist at the end was like Woah! .... Life would be so much better if Wikipedia wasn't there to spoiler all the movies for me.

I always succumb to temptation. 

Well, tomorrow will be the last week of work for me. I don't think I am going to miss a lot of my co-workers there because hardly any of them speak to me or any of the interns. My supervisor is out-stationed and I am really afraid that I will not have anything to do tomorrow.

But hey, it's the last week so that's something to look forward to. After that starts school and I no longer have to endure someone's nonsense anymore. 

Just gotta move away from that thing and I will be fine.

Till next time...

I need to have stuff to tweet, I can't put a one liner here all the time.

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