Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Having to endure through the first 2 hours of lecture today wasn't so bad,  on the contrary, it was actually quite entertaining. The jokes that the lecturer made wasn't so much of a laugh of loud funny but it was enough to keep hold of my attention.

The 2nd part wasn't as fun as the first, I guess everything needs a good balance. The good and the bad.

After school was off to the company again, to get some things completed. Initially I planned to go alone but then there was a change of plan and I ended up going with my ITP mates. Nostalgic.

Well, it would only be nostalgic if I did go to work with them in the morning. I had lunch with them all the time during my internship so I guess that can cause a little nostalgia. Got to see my team members from the company, got to complete my logbook and actually got to get my pay.

I was hopping the pay would come at a later date, so I can actually go back to the company again. It's like an obsession , me wanting to go back to the company all the time. I might have to see a shrink soon, I know me and the company is not going to work out.

To stop with that obsession, I shall stop talking about it... I hope.

I am definitely not looking forward to tomorrow. Group work with a group I don't even want to work with.

Can't wait for this project to be over, 7 more weeks of working together. Something I said about my internship as well, get it over with because it sucked so much and now I am feeling all sentimental about it, but I am very sure this group project, after completion, will cause the angels to sing Hallelujah. Hardly any upside, at least during my internship had some fond memories of hanging out with my Internship mates.

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