Sunday, April 18, 2010


Aright, to negate from all that negative energy emitting from the previous post (that I have deleted) , I shall write another one, a more positive post.

By positive I mean positive for me. It's like it's not going to get any better for you than to lay your eyes on this wonderful blog that consist of no pictures and only a wall of text. Ever read a non- kids story book? Same concept just that it won't be as exciting.

Now all my proper blog post about my adventure filled life is always a day late, take it as though you are watching a re-run of your favorite show, like Glee.

After a personal record set by my Sony Ericsson C902 of staying by my side for 19 months, I think, I went ahead and got myself a new phone. Being a working adult for the past 7 weeks and not having to worry about having to pay any bills of any sort, I had the luxury of spending as much as I want.

In celebration of having so much money from my underpaid job, I decided to get the Xperia X10. It's a beast because it's so huge and it looks so fragile. 

I was actually planning to get a Blackberry device, but then I have so many people I know who are already holding on to a Blackberry plus the plan is overkill, I am not going to pay $50 a month for a device I will hardly use.

My main reason for buying an expensive handset is to show the world how "rich" I am. But because I have quotes in the term rich, I can't really afford to pay $50 a month for a phone plan that I will hardly use. 

So in the end I chose to remove the Blackberry from my option, among other reasons that I shall not put down because it's just going to spoil the whole positivity that this post is suppose to be carrying. *cough* Copycats *cough*

I am now holding on to an Xperia X10 in all it's 4 inch glory. That sounded sexual in a bad way, you hardly see any 4 inchers in the adult industry but in the technological department for mobile devices, that's HUGE.  

Right now I am not trying to touch my phone because my sweaty palms and the phone's shiny surface just makes everything very very greasy.

I can't even touch my own phone now?

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