Saturday, April 24, 2010


I really look down on people who find humor in the excessive usage of vulgarities.  I'm sorry but that's the truth, it's not that I am any better because sometimes I find humor in them as well.

But those that I really detest are people who THINK they are funny because they use vulgarities all the time.  

Let's say a person is asked a question. How was lunch ?

How a normal person would respond. 

"It was great, lunch was fantastic."

How a person who finds humor in vulgarities will respond.

"The lunch earlier was almost as bad as fucking your Mum last night!"

Note that I made that line up, so I am probably as screwed up as those people I am describing, but I won't say that in real life. I have this little filter in my head that works 70% of the time.

But as you can see, vulgar dicks are just extremely negative to hang out with. They take every chance to throw insults at you, and of course the insults are usually not as great as the one I came up with, it's usually all just really stupid. 

Oh, they don't think so far as to linking lunch up with your MILF, they will probably just say what came into their head first.

"Ummm...Lunch was great." *after a pregnant pause* "Lunch fucks! Whoo~!"

During that pregnant pause, in their head they are thinking of something "funny" to say. And "funny" to them equates to vulgarities, the most common vulgarity everyone uses nowadays is the word fuck and viola... out comes that stupid punchline at the end that isn't really a punchline at all.

People will laugh along, that's for sure. Fuck is a funny word. I am a sucker for that word when Kathy Griffin uses it at the end of every other sentence. She's a comedian and she knows how to use that word at a right timing, which is usually all the time. Ellen uses that word sometimes too.

They know when to use it and it works for them, but some morons in the world doesn't and those morons are usually those who think they are so fucking hilarious. In the end all that comes out from their funny brain is vulgarities in English, dialect and whatever alien language they can think up of. 


And what better way to share their humor and spread the joy of vulgarities then by insulting people closes to them. Their own friends, the only group of people who are able to put up with their bullshit.

For them, the social circle works like this. In order to broaden that circle, they have to capture the attention of the popular cliques, and popular cliques usually consists of assholes, douchebags and bitches. 

It's like a circle of dicks and cunts.

So in order to join that group, you have to be a dick yourself. What better way to do that then to serve your friends for lunch to the circle of dicks and cunts. They insult their own friends just so the popular clique will accept them, that's how screwed up they are as a person.

You can tell when a person is insulting you to cheer you up and when a person is insulting you to boost up his own confidence. I can differentiate and I enjoy speaking to people who comes up with witty insults, but those who just insults for the sake of insulting. 

Like really, it's so fucking exhausting to be looking at you, much less speaking to you. Speaking to such people are like taking part in MTV's Boiling Point. Except there's no cash money at the end and the asshole's really a naturally born asshole. 

Thanks Mrs Asshole for giving birth to such a douchebag. If only I could travel back in time, I would ask your Mum to USE PROTECTION! 

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