Sunday, July 24, 2011

Ready for hibernation.

Currently I am able to do 5 chin ups. In order for me to be able to come back this Friday, I have to do 6 because that's the passing score for IPPT.

The only way one can train up for chin ups is by doing chin ups everyday until your muscle feels so sore they feel like they are about to fall off from the bones and cause permanent damage to your entire left arm, but that's probably just me.

Lucky for me my brother has a chin up bar, but of course since it's a portable one, I don't really feel safe using it. It's the type that you tighten between the door frame and hopefully when you do your chin up, gravity isn't being a bitch, and that no one's is filming if gravity is being a bitch since you don't want to appear on Youtube's front page because that would be HILARIOUS... in a mean bitchy school girl way.

Let's see, I don't think I did anything yesterday except getting 12 muesli bars, a can of nuts among other junk food for my consumption, I have to recuperate myself with junk food before returning to the dreaded island that's Tekong. I'm like a squirrel who's stuffing himself with food before winter hits, except instead of sleeping all day long, I'm gonna be sweating my butt off.

This week I had 4 days off, which sounds long but it's actually really short. Can't wait for National Day, more break please, I want to spend more time with my lazy, couch potato side.

Friday, July 22, 2011


A bug flew into the fan yesterday and ricocheted to my forearms before ricocheting into oblivion, because I couldn't find it after.

Anyway I decided to try a new game genre yesterday, DotA, because I needed a game that I could play quickly, I mean I don't have that much time to waste on an MMO now because of Army, now I don't have as much life to waste as I did in the past.

There were 2 options available for me....

Both games are really similar and since I'm super shallow I decided to go for the one with the nicer graphics. Heroes of Newerth it is!

I kinda got the gist of how the whole game works. You control a character, you go around destroying key points before heading for the main enemy building and destroying it. So it took like half an hour or so for me to install the game and log in to play.

As an MMO gamer, I have no idea what I was suppose to do in a DotA styled game so I was very very lost. In Aion before doing anything with a group of people, be it taking down a boss or running an instance (dungeon), I will always disclaimer myself if I had any primary roles like healing.

So in Aion it usually goes like this...

Party Member A : "Finally a healer! Yay!"

Me : "Hey guys, I haven't played in a while so do pardon my bad healing."

Party Member B: "Don't worry about it. Just do your best, we are pretty well equipped."

Me : "Ah okay, that's good."

And then I heal really well simply because I'm awesome. And I am awesome because I have a lot of time to hone my gaming skills due to my lack of social life.

In Heroes of Newerth. I disclaimer myself, not to be humble like in Aion but because I really am a noob.

Me : Hey I'm still pretty new to this game so do excuse me.

RG (Random Gamer): POS (which I guess is suppose to be an acronym for something)

RG 2: SOE (another acronym for something)

And then the game starts and I die

RG 3: SPY! SPY GAME! (Whatever the fuck that means)


RG 4 has voted to kick you from the game. Vote Failed.

Me : Sorry guys, I'm still new at this.

RG 4 :Spy! You are a spy!

Me : Me?


Me : I'm not a spy, I just started this game like less than 10 minutes ago.

RG : Go fuck yourself!

The response I get from a game that's OBVIOUSLY filled with trolls and keyboard warriors who range from the ages of 12 and below. The amount of hostility in the in-game community is crazy.

Didn't plan to start an argument with them because it's really pointless so I just left the game, I mean they are obviously kids or adults who are suffering from mental regression. The only comeback they can come up with is "Fuck you!" or "Noob!", the latter I have already accepted and told them but they can't seem to get that into their skull , which is very very thick to compensate for the very very small brain that's encapsulated within.

And that's the reason I hate kids. Whoever said kids are angels have never played a round of DotA with them before.

Monday, July 4, 2011

I guess...

I will be leaving for Tekong in about an hours time and by allowing myself to successfully write a blog post and post it would probably take me an hour, so you're welcome for the update.

Managed to spend the past 3 days doing absolutely nothing productive, then again I guess Civilian Life is meant for the conscripted soldiers to actually waste their name since they can't do that in the camp... as much as they would like to.

Yesterday and the day before I was just at home surfing the net the whole day, on Youtube trying to look for videos to watch, ended up just watching a lot of SNSD videos.

Had lunch at a 5 star hotel (Pan Pacific)today with my Mum, sister and my brother along with my Mum's relative, who are technically mine as well but I don't really know them that well. It's like me saying I know Angelina Jolie because of the 6 degrees of separation.

When I think 5 star dining, the first thing that pops in my mind is "Quality over Quantity"... and that was so very true at today's lunch. Everyone was served a single dim sum of each variation and my Mum's Aunt ordered about 5 different types and a plate of noodles... the bill arrived, it was $217 and I didn't even feel full at all, that's saying something for a person whom people always mistakes suffers from anorexia and bulimia.

After lunch I scoured the entire Marina Square for a new book to get because the one I've been reading I've finally completed after 1 month, found it in the 3rd book store.

I guess wasting your life at home and doing absolutely nothing actually bores you to death to the point you actually don't mind going back to Tekong to do some physical training. I had that mentality yesterday because I was so bloody bored at home. When you want time to pass slower, doing boring stuff helps I guess.

Next book out is on Saturday. And then book in on Sunday. It's gonna suck.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Novel Needed

2nd book out from Tekong today, I'm going to have to admit this one came by really quickly compared to the 1st bookout.

I can't believe I actually managed to stay sane during the 18 days confinement period because Booking In on Sunday was an instant turn off, saw my bunkmates, took the bus back to the ferry terminal and got instantly attacked by a rush of sianess, alas it was only 5 days long so it wasn't so bad.

Bought my cup of bubble tea as I arrived in Pasir Ris, tasted a little weird and didn't felt as awesome as the one I had last week despite it being made by the same person.

I have no plans whatsoever this weekend and for all my other bookouts, so they will all probably be spend at home surfing the net till 10pm before lights out and waking up again to repeat the process till I book in, and people say I don't have a life. Pfft~

Will probably have to get a new book since the one I'm currently reading in the army entitled "The Strain" is about to come to an end. For me, reading a book takes ages, my bunkmate can read the entire book in 2 days, I received the book 1 month ago and I am only 2/3 done.

I thought reading "The Da Vinci Code" in 6 days was an extraordinary feat, turns out its below average because whilst bragging about that to a group of people when I was in in the band practice room in Secondary School, instead of getting the "Ooos" and "Ahhhs~ I want to have your babies" respond, all I got was... "I read it in 3.". She wasn't trying to brag because there can only be one bragger and he was the deluded as hell.