Monday, July 4, 2011

I guess...

I will be leaving for Tekong in about an hours time and by allowing myself to successfully write a blog post and post it would probably take me an hour, so you're welcome for the update.

Managed to spend the past 3 days doing absolutely nothing productive, then again I guess Civilian Life is meant for the conscripted soldiers to actually waste their name since they can't do that in the camp... as much as they would like to.

Yesterday and the day before I was just at home surfing the net the whole day, on Youtube trying to look for videos to watch, ended up just watching a lot of SNSD videos.

Had lunch at a 5 star hotel (Pan Pacific)today with my Mum, sister and my brother along with my Mum's relative, who are technically mine as well but I don't really know them that well. It's like me saying I know Angelina Jolie because of the 6 degrees of separation.

When I think 5 star dining, the first thing that pops in my mind is "Quality over Quantity"... and that was so very true at today's lunch. Everyone was served a single dim sum of each variation and my Mum's Aunt ordered about 5 different types and a plate of noodles... the bill arrived, it was $217 and I didn't even feel full at all, that's saying something for a person whom people always mistakes suffers from anorexia and bulimia.

After lunch I scoured the entire Marina Square for a new book to get because the one I've been reading I've finally completed after 1 month, found it in the 3rd book store.

I guess wasting your life at home and doing absolutely nothing actually bores you to death to the point you actually don't mind going back to Tekong to do some physical training. I had that mentality yesterday because I was so bloody bored at home. When you want time to pass slower, doing boring stuff helps I guess.

Next book out is on Saturday. And then book in on Sunday. It's gonna suck.

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