Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Good thing about the fact that Polytechnic life is ending soon is that I am starting to really hate it.

I don't necessarily hate the school work because it's something all the students have become accustomed to...

"I don't see the point in doing this, what's the point in drawing 2 circles and 2 more circles inside, no link at all with Interior Designer."

And usually it's true because drawing lousy cartoon boobies isn't something that will really turn anyone on. It's probably just a constant reminder from the lecturers that Interior Design students are more than adequate to pleasure themselves without visiting any websites because we have the abilities to draw realistic... pictures.

It's also not so much the lecturers that are grating my nerves. They aren't so bad half the time and the reason is because I don't really talk to them half the time. When I do speak to them, it usually ends with more work and in order for me to reduce the workload, I will end up have to do some extra activities that require a bit of bending over. But that's all good... nothing a little at home self reflection won't cure. I will just go to the toilet after that, look at the mirror and start screaming at myself for being such a dirty hoebag.

The thing that pisses me off about poly life right now is probably how fake some of my classmates are.

For the entire semester they don't speak to me for reasons I can't think of, then again it's probably because I killed their chinchilla by accident and bought them a new hamster instead to make up for it,... and then suddenly they say "Hi!" to me out of nowhere suddenly ready to be friends again like we were on some friendship break. After that they stop speaking to me again for probably the next semester because I think I accidentally ran over their hamster with the new hamster ball I bought for them to celebrate our renewed friendship.

Just yesterday I got snubbed by one such person. I was seated at the back with my friend, she walks pass and said bye to him and she just walked away without even attempting to acknowledge my presence like I switched on my cloaking shield.

Never been so snubbed before.

Anyways, I headed to Far East Plaza to get a new handset yesterday after school. While I was looking at the arrays of second hand phones that were at the shop, I couldn't help but think that the single white Xperia X10 that was sitting by its lonesome was the one that I had misplaced, that some douche who firmly believes in the phrase "Finders Keepers Losers Weepers" found the stupid brick of a phone and decided to make some quick cash by selling it to the shop.

There was really nothing I can do to prove that its mine except that the white has really become more of an off white than the luster white it was described as on the phone box that's still at home, constantly reminding me of what a stupid moron I am for being able to lose the largest phone I've ever owned. Should've switched it on and look through the gallery damn it... lots of hot pictures of myself inside.

So I bought the X10 Mini Pro because I thought that would be a good enough salt to rub into my wound.

It was raining really heavily that day and all I wanted to do was get back home to update my phone to it's latest firmware because that's what every geeky android phone user would want to do. Got stuck in the worst traffic ever mix with a really really bad motion sickness, I keep fidgeting in my seat to try and distract myself from the fact that the traffic was moving at a glacial pace and that I was on the verge of vomiting... which during that time I was thinking of this video...

Didn't help at all....

Well alas I got home, with a sinus infection that was causing the right side of my ear to get blocked out. I was able to hear myself crystal clear like some echo in my head whenever I tried to whimper something out.

When I say "whimper something out" I meant sining Gee out in a soft whisper. I did that in the bus a little and I couldn't really gauge how I loud I was because my ear was slightly blocked, it got worse when I got out the bus, I just know people looked back as they were about to exit the bus... and I know it's not because of my face in a good way.

So it was either the "Gee Gee Gee Gee Baby Baby Baby" or the constant vibration happening with my body whilst I was fidgeting

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