Saturday, November 20, 2010


Here's how the critique session I had yesterday in school went...

1. I set up my slides and my concept model to show the lecturers.

2. I present my slides and talked about the issues I found with the site I was assigned to.

3. I got stopped midway through my presentation because apparently my issues weren't issues.

4. I got asked what my issues were despite them already telling me my issues were wrong.

5. I became friends with the Pregnant Pause.

It was just a whole session of awkwardness at the end. I was literally standing at the front looking at the panel of judges waiting for them to say something.I mean if you are going to interrupt me and tell me my issues are wrong, I'm assuming you are going to give me an example of what an issue would be like....

Lecturer : "What are your issues? Sorry I don't think I caught them."
Me: "Well, I found that the bridge is too short and no one uses it..."
Lecturer: "That's not an issue."
Me: *stares blankly at lecturers*

after a pregnant pause...

Me: "Ummm... so should I continue?"
Lecturer: *nods slightly*
Me: "So my issues are...."
Lecturer: " No, that is not really an issue, we need a real issue here."

pregnant pause again...

Me: "Well, I do feel that the bridge IS really small and it's extremely inconvenient..."
Lecturer: "No... that is not an issue, you are generalizing everything."
Lecturer: "Yeah, that's too general..."

pregnant pause again...

Me: "Ummm... "
Lecturer: "I think you just continue with your presentation."
Me: "So my issues are such and such... and my ideas are such and such."
Lecturer: "Okay, your issues aren't really issues... which means your ideas are going to suck because there's no issues to begin with, they aren't really working for me, you're fired"
Me: "No Mr Trump... You're fired.So f*ck you and the horse you rode in on."

The last part didn't really happen... I thought it would add some level of spice because as I was writing the block of text above I can't help but feel bored. I threw a chalk at myself for trying to doze off.

So essentially I was screwed yesterday and made the pause pregnant. It was so awkward that I started complaining to a classmate who was about to present next... I guess I kinda fueled her with a little angst towards the lecturers after that because she became a little defensive when the lecturers started to question her ideas.

I'm just that influential. I manage to make my family dislike Miley Cyrus. I manage to turn one of my old buddy into a complete douchebag... actually I'm not going to claim credit for the last one... the inner douchebag in him probably got awoken from his slumber after years of hanging around with this *smacks chest* doucebag.

Ugh~ I got told by a classmate I reminded her of my old buddy.
No~ No~ No~... you have to get your facts right... it's the other way around.
She didn't mean it as an insult but I can't help but see it as one. It is never really complimentary when someone tells you your authentic LV Bag looks like her counterfeit LV bag she bought from China for a blowjob. To think you had to blow 192 guys to get your genuine LV Bag.

Anyway, the presentation for my classmate went well, since she's the Acer in our class it's only natural that she excelled... much to my dismay. I thought she could finally relate to us mere mortals in class.

Well today. I had Carl's Jr for lunch and McDonalds for dinner. Living the American lifestyle, a future filled with obesity and liver failure.

That would have been a great tweet if not for the fact that I've stopped tweeting. What was meant to be a short break became a hiatus. But I shall return to Twitter one day, I find that my return to twitter should be a grand one... with fireworks and a dance number. Which is why I'm going to ask my Daddy to get me the best dance crew in the world and I'm only going to invite everyone in school... it's going to be the best party you've ever been to and ever will go. So come'on MTV and document my journey from a rich spoilt brat to a rich spoilt brat with a car.

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