Monday, November 22, 2010


Been spending the last few days on Youtube watching videos and searching for videos to watch in order to kill some time because I don't actually have a life beyond school...

And I've also been watching a little tele when the Internet's being a real bitch. All I ask from you is a proper search result for that rash I've been getting and you tell me it's chlamydia... it's pretty obvious that's not true because I don't actually have a life outside of school.. much less a sex life. That deprived old man I met on the street doesn't count.

Banged~! Banged~! Yes~! YES~ BANGED~!

For some reason I really enjoy watching the show "Banged Up Abroad"... it's about the true stories of various Americans who are trafficking drugs overseas and then they get caught and sent to jail in some 3rd world country like India or Jamaica... or some weird country because they strap drugs around their body with tape and wear a thick coat over it to cover it up... Oh right, because seeing a guy with a bulky body and small head doesn't look weird at all.

What happen to swallowing drugs in ballon bags thing and shitting it out later? I'm not encouraging drug trafficking but that method has got to be a lot safer than strapping drugs on your body with tape... and getting a brazilian waxing at the same time, although swallowing drugs in your stomach probably causes some internal injuries... but what's that compared to snorting a whole kilogram of cocaine in a single day.

I just really enjoy watching that show... everytime the drug trafficker show signs of nervousness when they are checking in, I'm alway thinking in my head I would be so much better at actingcalm.. thinking I would've been able to hold my composure so much better than them because I am an Oscar winning actor, which of course will not be the case when that actually happens to me.

And when they show the traffickers get thrown in jail... I start to relate because like me... they have nothing else to do but sit in a cell and lament on their own stupidity except whereas they are jailed for like 5 years, I've given myself a life sentence. Sometimes I'm so strict with myself. It's actually kinda surprising because if they did that kinda stuff in Singapore, they would be given the death sentence... Now I'm scared of continuing any bad jokes relating to the topic.

I love you Singapore. *nervous chuckles*

So from TV I shall now move on to Youtube.

Just watched a lot of random clips and a few vlogs. I think Shaycarl is an awesome vlog.

Oh... and I've been watching a lot of Korean Music Videos, and the good thing about listening to Korean Pop music is that I will never understand what the hell they are singing about, which is usually a good thing because when I actually go find the translation... the lyrics are really really retarded.

"We will go Sun Sun Sun in the Summer Hot Summer Forever"
"So Hot in Summer time it's good to get all Wet Wet Wet"
"So Wet now we get to Dry ourselves with the summer heat"

I just made that up, if it actually rhymes in Korean I want SNSD to sing it. I actually like SNSD so if it ruins their carrier, I apologize in advance. But that's nothing a little dancing a lot of leg flashing won't help.

With every SNSD video or Justin Bieber video there will always be haters.
To prove my point, I searched a random Bieber video and viola~!

I feel like I've to watermark the screenshot because I took a lot of effort to box out the comments. Man I have so much time to waste <- Sign of a person with no life.

It's so easy to look for hate comments on a Bieber video... FYI I have no idea who Bob Dylen is, but if that's meant to be a compliment than F*CK YOU!!!

But with every thousand hate comments there would always be an idiot hardcore fan who will try to protect their idol, like this one little girl I met on Youtube when I was in my Miley hating days. And I don't think my comment was that bad at all... it was just an innocent comment questioning the logic of how a blonde wig can make a person become someone else and no one will recognize her.

"You are such an idiot~! It's just a show. Miley Rox!"

She spewed a whole load of angry comments after that because of me replying to her, I was pretty pissed off. Random stranger calling me an idiot because of a harmless comment... and then she started ranting and spewing a crap load of vulgarities. She was just a very very angry little girl... Miley must be so proud that her fans are made of of angsty little girls who record themselves lip synching to her music video and having the audacity to upload that crap on Youtube so that people whom they have pissed off like myself will actually know how they look like.

Stupid girl... way to remain anonymous, thats not how a keyboard warrior works... and to think that failed keyboard warrior tried to kill this *points to myself* troll.

Well anyway.

Apart from those keyboard warriors who try to defend their idol's honor by telling us trolls to "F*CK OFF!"... or them trying to make us feel bad because they assume we are "Fat asses sitting in our parent's basement".... there are those who try to question on why we do such mundane things.

"If you hate Justine Bieber so much, why do you bother searching up his video?"

I myself an ex-troll can answer that question.

People who don't search up Justin Bieber video are people who don't care about Justin Bieber. And this is the part that everyone gets mistaken, haters DO care about the idols they are bashing. We care about their eventual downfall... and we are here to make sure that the downfall happens sooner then later... one way to make sure that happens is to leave nasty comments in hopes that those idols will one day be arrogant enough to Google themselves and read the comments... get really depressed after that and end their career with a sex-tape.

I do feel bad for bashing Miley Cyrus though because technically she didn't do anything wrong, in fact I think she's a really nice person in real life albeit probably a little annoying... and I don't hate Justin Bieber to be honest but its really hard to like that lesbian boy because he's so bloody arrogant in interviews....

"How do you get the girls Justin Bieber?"

"I'm Justin Bieber, I get any girls I want."

I didn't come up with the lesbian insult myself, one of my guildies in Aion made it up and I thought it actually made sense because Justin Bieber really does look like a lesbian soccer mum.

As an ex-troll I no longer leave nasty comments anymore because you have to get something... that those Keyboard Warriors who are trying to protect their idols honor are being fueled by love... and that love is bloody annoying because it's crossing the stalker line so no matter how you try and crush them they will always pop back up like some annoying parasite.

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