Thursday, October 21, 2010

Chronologically Incorrect

In order to really fall in love with KOI Bubble Tea from the get go, it's extremely important to actually get the Milk Tea and not the Bubble Plum Green Tea, which is in the Chewy Category.

When I read "Chewy", I was thinking of something like a jelly drink... like a drinkable Jello because that sounds delicious, and my own assumption of how the drink would be reminded me of that Jelly drink I had in the past that was initially really nice when you first drink it but gets extremely annoying when there's very little left because no matter how much you suck, or how hard you squeeze the bottle, the damn jelly just doesn't want to come out from the nozzle.

Heard of a new KOI Bubble Tea shop that opened in Clementi, I decided to finally go get a cup because maybe the West one would taste as great as the (North,South,East wherever the hell Chinatown is).... you can't judge a bubble tea maker by where they live.

So like all nice and relatively cheap things in Singapore, there's definitely a queue that forms insanely quickly...
I saw the queue as I came out of the MRT Station and it was actually pretty long, there were probably like 30 plus people queuing up, and I remembered one of my friend telling me....

"The queue moves really quickly, don't really need to wait so long, they also make the drink really quickly."

.... after I told her I actually backed out the previous time when I first found out KOI had opened in Clementi and saw the crazy line of people waiting to make their order.

So I queued because I thought the queue would move really quickly, and what do you know she happened to be around the area and she told me the queue was really really long that night.

And she was right... just queuing up to make my order took 15 minutes and another 20 minutes or so for them to prepare my drink. I stood there for 35 minutes for a cup of Bubble Tea. That's dedication... a dedication to being a typical Singaporean.

The drink was not even nice at all because I was trying to be adventurous and try new flavors... bad idea because Bubble Plum Green Tea was "Chewy" type Bubble Tea, when they put Bubble in front of the drink, it just means a crap-load more Pearls... like an explosive diarrhea of Pearls, I was super thirsty and the pearls kept interrupting me from actually drinking the whole Bubble Tea normally because rather than actually having the tea slide down my dry throat, I had to chew the pearls, and those pearls was extremely sticky, and having something sticky sliding down an extremely dry throat doesn't spell "Thirst Quencher".

Was supposed to have NAPFA today but for some reason the tester didn't come, waited for an hour and a half, decided to just do a quick run on the track with my friends since we have all dressed up already. It sucked.

Half the full distance for the 2.4 km run took 6 mins, I need to hit 12.40 mins.
It sounds possible since if half the run took 6 mins, I can probably grab 12 mins easily on the full run. Not really because when God created men, he forgot to add steroids in their body and he prevented men from using their natural adrenaline freely. Apparently you need the key in the Konami code to use adrenaline.

I can only do a single pull up. I couldn't really do a second one after that because I was in shocked to actually to be able to do a single one, plus I got really self-conscious when I saw all the other more well build guys just doing pull ups so naturally. People need to start categorizing people into weak/normal/ fat when doing NAPFA, it really makes it a lot easier when we are doing with people that have the same problem as each other since we get to be embarrassed together while the more well build guys look and laugh at us while injecting steroids into their bloodstream.

It's true when someone said it sucks to not complete the test as compared to actually failing it. That is why when you grow up, aim to be a failure and not a person who gives up easily because when you fail, at least you know that you suck at whatever you suck at.

After that I headed home, but before that was the KOI trip. An entire trip of standing and waiting for a cup of tea that didn't taste as druggy as it would if there were milk in it.

Off to a random topic....

I'm actually really curious to record an entire conversation that I am having with a random person and listen to it, I want to know how lazy I really am that I can't even enunciate my words properly, or how soft I really am because hearing people go "Huh?" after I say an entire sentence of funny is not fun.

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