Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Instructions to Incest

"Intercourse with Daddy" was one of the searches that led some reader to this blog. That's just wrong... I don't give out instructions like that, I didn't scecretly write one, stash it deep inside this blog's archive as a draft and publish it later on so it won't appear as a recent update.

Anyways... I was just playing Mirror's Edge. Completed it within 2 days, and that's why short games are always liked by me because I have a really short attention span when it comes to things. Don't get me wrong, I can listen to you complain to me about someone you don't like, I feed from such negative energies and I am more than happy to join you if I don't really know the person that well, but when it comes to long term things like owning a pet, within a week I get bored... which is why I always prefer a quickie.

My poor hamster got so neglected she just kept eating and eating till she got so fat and died... it's called living the American Lifestyle where I am WhiteCastle/MacDonalds/Carls Jr, she's the sassy American Girl next door and the little wheel I bought for her is an episode of Oprah where Winfrey urges everyone to stop eating so much or something... all I know is Oprah was fat, then she got slimed, and then she got fat again, thus the wheel did not help one bit.

Decided to skip school today which really is just 2 really boring lectures set back to back like a Hallmark Movie marathon, I told myself I had to rush a project over and over again in my head till I actually believe it because I do have projects to rush, but I did not tell myself that I can actually complete it within 2 hours. Procrastination happens and I had to count that in as well just in case I really procrastinated... so 2 hours was actually 14 hours when I told myself I had a project to rush. An hour work and 6 hours of break.


Off to another topic.

So a few of my friends know I have this particular person in class that I do not really like. I wouldn't go so far as to say I hate that person anymore, I just don't want to mantain a conversation with him long enough for him to feel comfortable enough to insult me.

It's like playing an ice breaker game and leaving right after the ice has shown some cracks... giving it some time to freeze over again before playing it again.

I have a few friends in class who are aware of the slight animosity I have with that particular person. Well, yesterday one of my friend who knew decided to tell someone else while I was sitting next to him. I was literally rolling my eyes when he looked at me as if looking for my approval to an analogy he made of why I switched seats...

"He move because the person keep insulting him.." *looks at me waiting for an approval from me*...

I just told him I do not want to sit ay my old spot anymore because of that person and he was able to come out with an analogy which is actually pretty accurate but I am still not going to award him by nodding my head and being all happy and proud like my kid has just won a noble prize and is thanking me through his acceptance speech on stage.

I am not going to respond to that... I shall just award you by rolling my freaking eyes.

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