Saturday, October 30, 2010

Workshop = Waste Of Time. Period

Just came back from the dentist to get my cavity fixed.

That's what happen when you have candy on a daily basis... you cause imbalance in the Fairy economy. Life is not fun when one's a bankrupt, what the hell are the tooth fairies suppose to do with so many teeth anyway... that's one business proposal that they did not go through very thoroughly.

"So we collect the teeth, and then we give the kids cash in return."

Kids just buy anything their parents say.... like how my Mum use to tell me..

"Don't lie down when you are praying... God will think you are sleeping."

... that doesn't really make sense because God is omnipotent , he knows everything about everyone... that's why he's God.

This dentist is a nice guy, but he's so full of surprises, previously he told me I only had 2 teeth that was showing signs of decay, and today he suddenly told me I had 3... or maybe there were 3 all along and I just decided to lie to myself and constantly told myself there were only 2.

But he did all the digging and the drilling and the hitting of the sensitive parts... and have his assistant shove some sucker thing down my mouth to suck rubble because the water sucking contraption can just be left by itself on the side of my mouth on it's own while it keeps sucking my gums. I am assuming the assistant sucker thing sucks all the excessive filling that falls from my mouth because my cavity is so huge making excess wouldn't hurt... unless the dentist accidentally drops the entire tray of filling into my mouth and the whole thing hardens and blocks my airways.

One thing I always worry about is when the doctor or dentist tell me...

"You will feel a slight pressure" or "This will just sting a little"

And then they take the drill, set it on max speed and start drilling on an open nerve in your teeth.

It will sting a little because you won't be able to feel anything after your nerve's been raptured


I may have plans to skip school tomorrow and for the whole week... I just have no idea how to tell my Mum I am going to skip school the entire week because my friends are in Tokyo for their study trip and me going to school will equate to me being alone for the entire week. Plus I don't see any point in going to school if it's going to be a workshop galore.

I don't want to learn "The Ways to a Healthy Teenage Pregnancy" or "Are You Really Over Your Drug Addiction?".

Plus even if I can really relate to the workshop..."Truly Paranoid Individual" I will probably forget it within a week. My Mum got me into a $2000 workshop once and within like 2 to 3 weeks I forgot everything about it... which I guess it worth the money because that's 1 to 2 weeks of remembering the workshop teachings longer than the other workshop I've been to... well the workshop was teaching about the proper techniques of memorizing things and studying so I guess it did work.

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