Friday, April 30, 2010


"If Slaughterhouses Had Glass Wall"
A message by PETA that's extremely graphic.

I think meat eaters should take a look at that video. Youtube's your best friend when you are looking for videos, if you aren't, you can deny that friendship.

I have to admit, watching the cow getting beaten up and send through the slaughter machine while it was still alive was extremely disturbing, but seeing the cow coming out of the machine, skinless, alive and kicking was just inhumane and sick on so many levels. I am never going to look at a burger the same way again.

Hearing the pig wailing while getting dragged away to the slaughterhouse was even more disturbing. After watching that I just wanted to go and adopt a pig for some reason. I mean it's cute, and I eat it for lunch and dinner on several occasions, it would be nice to have a pig that I can pet rather than eat.

I don't like the way the slaughterhouse kills a chicken, first they snip off their beaks, which I am guessing hurts like a bitch, and a chicken would probably call that an understatement, but leaving them beak-less for months, that's nuts. After all that torture, the chickens are grabbed by the leg and either slammed against the ground or have their head stomped on by the people working in the slaughterhouse. The video even showed a guy attempting to break the chicken's neck by twisting it, but the bird just didn't want to die, so he just tossed it aside and let it die slowly, all the time the chicken was on the ground with a broken neck, it was flapping away like crazy.

I think there's a more humane way of killing animals, I know I should be turning vegan after watching that video because that's the whole point, but meat is too delicious to deny and vegetables pale in comparison, taste and texture wise. I had salad once for lunch with a little chicken on the side. It sucked which helped me realise that I am not disciplined enough to go vegan HARDCORE.

Maybe I will avoid eating meat once in a while, just like how many Christians forget about God except on a Sunday when they go to church. Guilty!

I am trying, yesterday for dinner and today, I avoided the pork because I know that would what my pet pig, that I have yet to adopt and probably never will, would want me to do. 

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I'm not one who likes to work in a group, so when the time comes to work in a group, rather than having my own opinion, I really much prefer to follow what others have to say.

Well, that's half true, the part about me not liking to work in a group, the other part only applies to a group with overbearing group mates. 

Today was a really really bad day. 2 lectures at one go, one was slightly dull and the other was just insanely dry. After that was group work, you don't hear me jumping for joy when that happens.

All I did was sit at my little corner surfing the internet while my group was discussing all the other stuff about the project. Let's just put it this way, if you see a bug in a bowl of cereal, you would dump the whole whole bowl cereal away even if the rest are clean. I am the person eating the cereal, my project mates are the bowl of cereal and the bug is, well, the overbearing groupmate.

I am not trying to talk shit about anyone but that's just the way I feel about the group, Poisoned by a single bug.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I am currently watching videos on Youtube.

Taking a look at all the cool phones in Japan right now, or last year. I don't know exactly what year they are from since they have an assortment of gorgeous clamshell phones which are oddly similar looking.

As I was browsing through all the fantastic phones, I chanced upon a video of the current phone I am holding, the Xperia X10 also known as SO-01B in Japan. 

I like the name SO-01B.

It is so baffling, that on it's release date, there are these shitload of Japanese men queuing up outside the DoCoMo store waiting to get their hands on a SO-01B. I didn't really have to queue up for mine, well, actually on second thought I did, but the queue wasn't exactly long, there were this 2 senior citizens at the front of the queue I was queuing asking the questions old people would ask about gadgets, which essentially means all the questions you can possibly ask about gadgets.

They are old and modern day gadgetry are not their thing so I understand. They probably forgot what they wanted to ask and the they had to constantly jolt up each other's memory like 24/7, they are old.

I think I just made that old people thing up, there wasn't any oldies couple, just a single old lady who managed to pull the customer service guy out from the customer service booth and me being the next in line after her wasn't happy.

I want to get a queue number!

Oh, yes, there are 2 waiting lines. First to get a queue number that's bombarded by oldies and the next, to wait for your number to be called out, which is slightly less bombarded by old people since everyone is just walking around the store looking at dummy phones which are probably 50% spoilt. People can apparently slide a dummy phone till the sliding mechanism gets spoilt, that, my friends is what you call skill, even a stress machine at some Samsung factory can't do that kind of damage to a phone.

After probably like 15 minutes of walking around and playing around with all the damaged dummy phone models, my number was called, it wasn't as exciting as I thought it would sound. My Aunt who came along with me didn't squeal in excitement with me, I needed adult supervision so I asked her along. I am 20 years old alright, that's extremely young for an individual to go out to a mobile store alone, in the afternoon, with a lot of people.

And I finally got myself a SO-01B, Japanese men are probably so jealous of my gloating now. SO-01B ! Well, probably not since mine is called the X10 and there isn't any DoCoMo engraving at the back of my phone but it's almost a keitai.

Of course there being a choice of either black or white, I went for the white one because I am racist. No, I am not racist, well, maybe a little but you won't be able to tell, I treat everyone fairly, I give everyone a fair share of bread when I have a chance, a loaf for the white men and a pinch for the black men. Fairness is screaming my name, and so is sarcasm in this whole paragraph to those who think I am really racist.

Lesson learnt though, after getting the white phone. 

White phones will turn to an off-yellow colour, at least the black one will stay black, because it's already extremely dirty and all. Plus the white one has a glossy battery cover at the back, the black one is a matte finish.

I am such a genius, already staining my phone during the early stages of usage.

My partner in crime? My sweaty palms. 

That Bitch ! 

This post is so 2 weeks ago, because I bought my phone roughly 2 weeks ago. 17th April 2010 to be exact, life's been so dull with nothing much to report, so I thought it would be great to record my adventures in getting an Xperia X10 a SO-01B down.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


I really look down on people who find humor in the excessive usage of vulgarities.  I'm sorry but that's the truth, it's not that I am any better because sometimes I find humor in them as well.

But those that I really detest are people who THINK they are funny because they use vulgarities all the time.  

Let's say a person is asked a question. How was lunch ?

How a normal person would respond. 

"It was great, lunch was fantastic."

How a person who finds humor in vulgarities will respond.

"The lunch earlier was almost as bad as fucking your Mum last night!"

Note that I made that line up, so I am probably as screwed up as those people I am describing, but I won't say that in real life. I have this little filter in my head that works 70% of the time.

But as you can see, vulgar dicks are just extremely negative to hang out with. They take every chance to throw insults at you, and of course the insults are usually not as great as the one I came up with, it's usually all just really stupid. 

Oh, they don't think so far as to linking lunch up with your MILF, they will probably just say what came into their head first.

"Ummm...Lunch was great." *after a pregnant pause* "Lunch fucks! Whoo~!"

During that pregnant pause, in their head they are thinking of something "funny" to say. And "funny" to them equates to vulgarities, the most common vulgarity everyone uses nowadays is the word fuck and viola... out comes that stupid punchline at the end that isn't really a punchline at all.

People will laugh along, that's for sure. Fuck is a funny word. I am a sucker for that word when Kathy Griffin uses it at the end of every other sentence. She's a comedian and she knows how to use that word at a right timing, which is usually all the time. Ellen uses that word sometimes too.

They know when to use it and it works for them, but some morons in the world doesn't and those morons are usually those who think they are so fucking hilarious. In the end all that comes out from their funny brain is vulgarities in English, dialect and whatever alien language they can think up of. 


And what better way to share their humor and spread the joy of vulgarities then by insulting people closes to them. Their own friends, the only group of people who are able to put up with their bullshit.

For them, the social circle works like this. In order to broaden that circle, they have to capture the attention of the popular cliques, and popular cliques usually consists of assholes, douchebags and bitches. 

It's like a circle of dicks and cunts.

So in order to join that group, you have to be a dick yourself. What better way to do that then to serve your friends for lunch to the circle of dicks and cunts. They insult their own friends just so the popular clique will accept them, that's how screwed up they are as a person.

You can tell when a person is insulting you to cheer you up and when a person is insulting you to boost up his own confidence. I can differentiate and I enjoy speaking to people who comes up with witty insults, but those who just insults for the sake of insulting. 

Like really, it's so fucking exhausting to be looking at you, much less speaking to you. Speaking to such people are like taking part in MTV's Boiling Point. Except there's no cash money at the end and the asshole's really a naturally born asshole. 

Thanks Mrs Asshole for giving birth to such a douchebag. If only I could travel back in time, I would ask your Mum to USE PROTECTION! 

Thursday, April 22, 2010


I don't get how a person can laugh at a joke that's so mean spirited. How can they laugh when they are really being all up in your face and insulting you, it really amazes me, the severe lack of empathy this people have.

Well, anyway, back to the main topic for today. How's my day.

I'm not going to talk so much about school because nothing really happen in school, not much to report from there.

Headed over to a site today to take some pictures of the buildings there and being someone who doesn't really like to wait till the last minute, I decided to go even though the weather wasn't looking very good, the clouds were pretty dark, like something ominous was about to happen, well the ominous already did happen, on the first day of school when I got grouped up with a bunch of people I don't want to work with. 

Thank God it didn't started to rain, for the whole time I was there the weather looked like it was about to rain but it didn't, so that was great. Took some shots and apparently my XPERIA X10 can last only about a day with minimum usage, GREAT!

With me and a phone around, the phone is probably going to be extremely underuse, the only reason why it will be dirty and wet and all will be because I have a hand that can cure a drought. If people are up for drinking sweat that is.

Well, guess that's all for this blog for now. 

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Having to endure through the first 2 hours of lecture today wasn't so bad,  on the contrary, it was actually quite entertaining. The jokes that the lecturer made wasn't so much of a laugh of loud funny but it was enough to keep hold of my attention.

The 2nd part wasn't as fun as the first, I guess everything needs a good balance. The good and the bad.

After school was off to the company again, to get some things completed. Initially I planned to go alone but then there was a change of plan and I ended up going with my ITP mates. Nostalgic.

Well, it would only be nostalgic if I did go to work with them in the morning. I had lunch with them all the time during my internship so I guess that can cause a little nostalgia. Got to see my team members from the company, got to complete my logbook and actually got to get my pay.

I was hopping the pay would come at a later date, so I can actually go back to the company again. It's like an obsession , me wanting to go back to the company all the time. I might have to see a shrink soon, I know me and the company is not going to work out.

To stop with that obsession, I shall stop talking about it... I hope.

I am definitely not looking forward to tomorrow. Group work with a group I don't even want to work with.

Can't wait for this project to be over, 7 more weeks of working together. Something I said about my internship as well, get it over with because it sucked so much and now I am feeling all sentimental about it, but I am very sure this group project, after completion, will cause the angels to sing Hallelujah. Hardly any upside, at least during my internship had some fond memories of hanging out with my Internship mates.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Started out at 9.00 am in the morning today.

Went to school, did some discussion and lamented at the fact that I got myself into a really bad group. I knew it was a bad choice from the start, now I'm just glad that one of my group mates realise that too, although he had to learn it the hard way.

I headed back to my company today, to have my logbook filled out due to some problems last week. Saw all the old faces and it wasn't so much the people that I miss but the environment I was working in. I looked at the chair that I used to seat in, it was so nostalgic. 

The exposed ceiling that was so hideous you'd never understand why all architecture firms have that, the hanging fluorescent lamps that are somehow aligned in a row but at the same time extremely messy, the computer that I was assigned to paired with the little blue mouse with terrible ergonomics.

My ex-collogues greeted my as I walked into the company, they looked at me with a pleasant shocked look, they remembered my face but have forgotten my name, probably never knew it in the beginning.  I returned the greeting with a Hi and smiled at them, happy to see those faces again.

Of course after Hi, there isn't really much to say. I remembered one of the colleagues who was extremely nice because she and another group of ladies treated me and my intern mates to lunch on the last day just looked at me, gave me a smile and carried on looking for a plaster in the mini cabinet. Waving goodbye and smiling as she left, didn't exchange any words while she was there the whole time looking for the plaster.  

I waited as I passed one of the secretary the logbooks, one that belonged to me and the other a friend of mine, so she can find the supervisors that were assigned to me and my intern mate for signing. I waited there at the little cubicle where all the secretaries are seated, where all the gossiping happens during my Internship. 

I liked the secretary because she was a humorous person, it's not what she said but how she says it. She's one of those type of people that I would really enjoy hanging out with, but because I was an intern then, you start to know your place. You don't speak to the associates unless spoken to. And even when I am spoken to, I get nervous and just started speaking in short phrases.

My sarcastic humor doesn't show itself when I am speaking to a person with higher authority unless I get really comfortable with them, and I got really comfortable with 50 percent of the team members in my assigned team during ITP on the last week that it just makes leaving so much harder. 

I know it's better late then never, but at this juncture, never is usually better. I would rather feel like not going back at all then going back again because schooling is just terribly hectic. Not the work, but the people that I hang out with. You have to put with  this guy's attitude, and that person's childishness followed by being friendly to people you don't like. 

I am going back to my company tomorrow after school though because the secretary did not really complete the task that I assigned her. My logbook wasn't signed, only my friend's one was. 

I did check en-route to the MRT Station but decided not to head back again because it'd be weird to pop by 3 times in a row. I went in twice, first to get a chop on my logbook, which was successful and second to get a signature, which wasn't.

Guess it's a good thing because that gives me an excuse to go back again. I have trouble actually picturing all the faces of my team members in my head. Actually it's just this one person, I keep trying to picture it but my thoughts get interrupted by another face that reminds me of that person. It's like I'm about to get that face pictured in my head, only to find out I was picturing the wrong face. 

Well, I will head down and find my team personally to get them to sign it. Good excuse to see the face of the team mate I can never seem to remember. I will probably forgot the face after a few days. 

Hate that feeling.

Monday, April 19, 2010


After my internship ended, I was actually pretty sad about it because I thought I was going to miss the people working there.

School started today and I realise that I will actually miss so much more. I was actually reminiscing the direct bus rides to and fro my workplace, being together with all the working adults. 

Missing the times when I can just go to the company's toilet and sit there watching "UP" on my iPod Touch. Missing the company's people gossiping really loudly, the cold stares I get from my colleagues as they walk pass the kitchen area where I will be seated most of the time with my other intern mates.

It's just really depressing today to go back to school and find out how sadly small my social circle in school really is. How I have to push my intelligence level to that of a kid all of a sudden to speak to some people and how I have to increase my tolerance level to that of an adult.

A group project isn't my ideal choice to start the new term, in a group with people I am not that close to for the next 8 weeks. It's not that I don't like them, it's just that I would much prefer to be in a group that I would actually be glad to be a part of. 

We headed down to a site today for a visit and I just remembered all the things I did during my Internship, a proper site visit as compared to the ones where I went out with my group mates, the difference is huge. 

I'm suddenly entering depression because my ITP is over and I have to go back to school. My internship just made me realise how different the environment between school and a proper workplace is, and I would much rather be in a proper workplace. 

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Aright, to negate from all that negative energy emitting from the previous post (that I have deleted) , I shall write another one, a more positive post.

By positive I mean positive for me. It's like it's not going to get any better for you than to lay your eyes on this wonderful blog that consist of no pictures and only a wall of text. Ever read a non- kids story book? Same concept just that it won't be as exciting.

Now all my proper blog post about my adventure filled life is always a day late, take it as though you are watching a re-run of your favorite show, like Glee.

After a personal record set by my Sony Ericsson C902 of staying by my side for 19 months, I think, I went ahead and got myself a new phone. Being a working adult for the past 7 weeks and not having to worry about having to pay any bills of any sort, I had the luxury of spending as much as I want.

In celebration of having so much money from my underpaid job, I decided to get the Xperia X10. It's a beast because it's so huge and it looks so fragile. 

I was actually planning to get a Blackberry device, but then I have so many people I know who are already holding on to a Blackberry plus the plan is overkill, I am not going to pay $50 a month for a device I will hardly use.

My main reason for buying an expensive handset is to show the world how "rich" I am. But because I have quotes in the term rich, I can't really afford to pay $50 a month for a phone plan that I will hardly use. 

So in the end I chose to remove the Blackberry from my option, among other reasons that I shall not put down because it's just going to spoil the whole positivity that this post is suppose to be carrying. *cough* Copycats *cough*

I am now holding on to an Xperia X10 in all it's 4 inch glory. That sounded sexual in a bad way, you hardly see any 4 inchers in the adult industry but in the technological department for mobile devices, that's HUGE.  

Right now I am not trying to touch my phone because my sweaty palms and the phone's shiny surface just makes everything very very greasy.

I can't even touch my own phone now?

Friday, April 16, 2010


Today officially mark the last day of my Internship. 

7 weeks ago I would be over the moon if internship ended, but now I am feeling a little sad leaving the company. Sigh~

It was great while it lasted, especially the last week because that was when the people in my team became more friendly towards me, before that they would ignore me and stick a "loser intern" paper on my back and then they will laugh at me and kick me in the ass. 

Glad that it's over, sad that I have to leave and won't be able to get closer to them.  

Only on the final week, WHAT? You guys have got to learn to take advantage of the interns on the very first week.

Good thing is my bribery of chocolates worked on my team because I got an overall grade of A. I was very generous so I guess A is good. Gosh I feel like I bought my grades.... I feel so dirty.

Met my Secondary friends right after my last day of work. It was actually pretty good to see them again. There was this insult going on that not in mean spirit, and that's something that I haven't really been experiencing for a while. People I know now are so mean spirited I really can't just laugh along.

Well this blog post has been insanely boring. I'm sorry but I think my Twitter has made me extremely lazy. My attention span is only slightly above that of a goldfish.  

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Whenever I watch a movie and I see the female characters eating ice cream from the tub, I will think to myself. 

"That must be one hell of an ice cream, to be so delicious that you have to dig right in."

But I guess depress individuals don't really care about scooping out the ice cream into bowls before consuming it. Well, I get it, they are sad so it's okay to be unhygienic once in a while.

Anyways, I tried consuming ice cream from the tub today. Dreyers Peppermint Ice Cream that set me back about $10. After digging into the tub and consuming the ice cream, I have come to 2 conclusion.

1. Those females in the movies like to eat their feelings. 

2. My liking for peppermint ice cream isn't as crazy as I thought. It isn't love.

It was not bad though, just hard to swallow it down after eating 1/10 of the whole tub.

Watched Shutter Island earlier today. The movie was pretty cool, the reason being that I abstain myself from heading to Wikipedia and reading through the entire story. The big twist at the end was like Woah! .... Life would be so much better if Wikipedia wasn't there to spoiler all the movies for me.

I always succumb to temptation. 

Well, tomorrow will be the last week of work for me. I don't think I am going to miss a lot of my co-workers there because hardly any of them speak to me or any of the interns. My supervisor is out-stationed and I am really afraid that I will not have anything to do tomorrow.

But hey, it's the last week so that's something to look forward to. After that starts school and I no longer have to endure someone's nonsense anymore. 

Just gotta move away from that thing and I will be fine.

Till next time...

I need to have stuff to tweet, I can't put a one liner here all the time.

Friday, April 9, 2010


I was actually planning to write a post about all the angst I have towards a particular person. But I think I am going to leave that out of this blog and write it in another one.

Think positive for this blog. Only positivity. 

Well, I suddenly have this topic I want to talk about on this blog. I will try to write it out as positive as possible.

So what Exactly does it mean to have great taste in music ?

I am not very sure, every time people say..

"You have great taste in music."

Do they mean it in a way that speaks for everyone or do they speak for themselves and that's how they feel base on their own taste of music.

Isn't a person's taste in music subjective?

I listen to mainstream music, that doesn't mean I have bad taste in music. I listen to Indie music, that doesn't mean I have great taste in music. It just means I am open to a variety of music genres and that means that makes people who say "You have great taste in music" a little narrow minded.

Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to judge people like that because I have no rights but it just rubs me off the wrong way when people say that to others. 

They have great music taste because they share the same music taste as you. Self complimenting. I don't like people who praise themselves unless they are joking, like me, all the time because I am hilarious. 

I feel so Zen right now I am actually picturing a wooden graining in my head.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


As much as I would like to share with the world how fantastically awesome my job is. I'm not because I have self discipline and I do not want to further upset those people who stay in a cubicle all day and do computer work. 

Just to make things clear, I don't stay behind the cubicle all day because I can't stay behind a cubicle, I haven't got a cubicle. Everything else is pretty much the same as what cubicle citizens do.

Ending post now! I have stuff to watch.

Friday, April 2, 2010


I have to admit, it's so much easier to just put the date as a title. 

Due to the lack of any social life, I didn't have anything to update. Now I am blogging all this out because I feel that it's important to keep this blog alive and to let my readers know that I am still alive. 

I feel weird typing out that last phrase, there's no one reading this blog. I'm not deluded, that's why I didn't put a blog counter, I let the comments do all the talking. 

Away from talking to myself and back to talking about myself.

Everything before today is just boring to blog about, and everything after today probably will be too. 

Work, work, work, work. Maximum effort, minimum pay. I got my pay just a few days back and it felt amazing. $440 for 4 weeks of work, you don't just go out and flaunt this kind of thing because people at McDonalds are getting paid a lot more. Like $1.50 more per hour, I think. I don't know, the only thing I know is that the pay is not going to help me get a good gaming laptop much less a desktop within the next few weeks. 

So I am still stuck with my laptop with all it's sluggish low FPS performance with equates to motion sickness thus leading to me puking my guts out. 

Well, yesterday was Easter so Belated Happy Easter Day to people who celebrate Easter Day with chocolates and bunnies with stigmata who raised from their chocolaty grave in 3 days, and if you get the full set it will come with a crying Mary Magdalene chocolate bunny at the side of the grave.

Nothing else to update. So see you around my non existing readers.

Sometimes I am so amazed at how random I can get, but that kind of randomness only happens when I am stoned.